The Land of Fernieville

Movie Review: Atonement

Posted in 2008, Movies by fernieville on January 12, 2008

Rating: ∑∑∑∑∑ (5/5)

This is quite simply one of the best movies I’ve seen in years and I can’t wait to read the book.

This movie will manipulate you into a range of emotions through the most amazing imagery a director could muster! The movie is powerful, funny, and then depressing and frustrating, and agonizing and leaves you angry at the end of it as it should… It takes you through a range of emotions so great and so vast that you find yourself defeated to fight any longer and immerse yourself in the story. Its not predictable and I love unpredictable movies.

The acting is amazing and the editing superb. If I had any credentials as a movie critic, I’d give it a 4.5/5. Why the minus 1/2 a point? Because I wanted more scenes of Robbie and Emily…it’s a selfish reason.

So I’ll give it five pocket protectors…only I don’t have icons to go with the pocket protectors. So, make that five summation signs for the geekoid that I am.

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  1. patrick said, on March 26, 2008 at 2:10 am

    Atonement is a decent flick; it looks and feels a lot like Pride and Prejudice… come to think of it, both movies have the same director, leading lady, both are based on books and both take place in England

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